Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dating. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Solo and Safe not Sorry

For solo travelers one ever present concern can be safety.

Short or long trips, local or long distance, when you travel solo there is no one to notice if you do not return on time from a day of exploring or an evening meal.   Many travelers buy trip insurance to cover the unexpected, but how do you answer the questions posses?

       If you go out alone and something bad happens, will someone notice you're missing?
          Realizing you are missing, will anyone know where to start looking?

Solo travels may need to be more careful that those in two's or larger groups.   SafeCheckin makes some interesting points:

"You do not need to be in the wilderness or out alone to go "missing"! It can happen on a date, a road trip, out for a run, taking a bike ride, or any activity. It happens EVERYDAY to individuals who least expect it."

Children, students, elderly, if you are traveling solo, on a date with a new 'friend' you may benefit from having someone watching our back.    This is fee memebership.  

When you leave for a trip or an outing, members will tell SafeCheckIn when ther are expected to return

The member will email or text SafeCheckIn when they return.
What i like BEST is what the company does if you do NOT check back in: 
  • If the member becomes overdue, SafeCheckIn will attempt first to call the individual by cell phone. If we cannot reach the member, SafeCheckIn will begin to notify and inform the member's primary contacts of the member's overdue status

If you are hiking or walking, have car trouble in a remote area and no cell service, off on a solo adventrue, having someone checking if you do NOT return can give you additional peace of mind.


I am waiting for SafeCheckIn to expand to countries

 outside the USA......