Sunday, April 28, 2013

The travel warrior

As a Solo Traveler
there is always lots of work to do for a trip. 
when you do not share the project with a travel partner, you do EVERYTHING
When I decided to do a LONG solo trip I knew there would be lots of details but I did not expect a travel agent I have already worked with to tell me,  “look for the sailing you want on our web site (cruise to other people) and I will book it for you.”

As a former commission sales person I would have loved anyone to walk in and tell me to write them an offer on a property they has already selected.  Yes that did happen on occasion but they always wanted it done for FREE.

So after 2+ weeks, a visa hassle that changed my direction and over 200+ hours of searching, I GAVE UP.   I am still taking the trip but will be paying more than I had budgeted for this story.   So I shall amend the story and leave on  the adventure:  21 days at sea, solo and loving it.

With determination in the past two days I booked a 21 day sail, convinced Virgin Atlantic to reinstate my ticket suspended during the hurricane in Oct 2012 (for a reasonable fee), booked connecting flights to catch the transatlantic flight (cost almost as much as the trip to London), booked hotels, booked a stay overnight at Canterbury Cathedrals' guest house and am now searching for 'unusual places to visit'.

Too much work.... but no alternative.   I have 5 trip themes to write about while floating along so I hope you will stay with me.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Italy, Go Solo, Enjoy

Solo Travel In Italy

I usually post anything about Italy on, but Solo Travel In Italy some challenges I shall add to this blog as well.

Italy may have more travelers than many other countries in Europe.   After traveling there for years and for 4 to 6 weeks at a time, I fully understand why.
With all those ‘tourists’ being a traveler has some challenges. 

I never thought it was ‘odd’ to travel solo.  I am solo but not sad.  I travel solo because I have no friends who would EVER travel in the style I do.   And the one  perception I continue to receive is that only gay people travel solo.  What?    During my 3 month sabbatical I became friends with two lovely much younger woman who I met at the local Internet café.  While having dinner early in our friendship the both agreed that ‘no Italian woman would this’.  I was VERY surprised.   Apparently it may not have been socially unacceptable but solo travel was NOT something an Italian woman would do…..

There are endless benefits to solo travel but I want to cover a few of the ‘challenges’ solo travel in Italy may present:
1.  With the crowds of tourists in Italy it can be difficult to visit ‘tourist spots’ solo.    Tour buses do not know what to do with a solo.  Other travelers do not want to sit with a solo person….
2.  Reaction of Italians that solo travel is ‘odd’.   In Italy the family has great importance.  It may not occur to Italians to go off by themselves and travel.
3.  Economics:  Italy as other countries are in an economic situation.   A solo traveler may be perceived as wealthy.    On one trip I wanted to compare living costs in Italy with the USA and as I compared the salaries with the USA, I understood this misconception.   Housing is expensive in Italy and this may be another reason family members remain at ‘home’ until they marry.
4.  Travel in Italy during tourist season means crowds on buses and trains.  Solo travel means you have no one to ‘watch your bags’ while you use the WC or even go to an ATM.
One year, before ATM’s were on each corner, I could not enter the money exchange at the Rome termini because they used a revolving door and my bag would not fit in the door!
5.  You spend more time planning and organizing solo, no one to share the work.
6.  For me dining is the hardest part of solo travel anywhere but the USA.  Here in the USA we have so many casual restaurants and my favorite, diners, that you are mostly unnoticed.  The disadvantage is you are unnoticed in some restaurants and service is ‘different’.  I understand the tip will be less than a couple, but I also don’t take up as much time at the table.

In Italy eating is VERY important.  Going to diner is the entertainment for the evening often taking hours.   I only remember seeing one other solo diner in a restaurant in Florence.  And they put us next to each other.   I have had waiters look at me with pity and surprise that I am sitting alone.    Why do people assume solo is sad?

While these may be some challenges to solo travel, some of the perks in Italy:
vendors in markets will often chat with you
You can often observe without being noticed….take a peek into daily life.
You can walk by the same corner countless times while looking for the correct turn and no
             one notices, no one ridicules you, no one gets impatient.
You can stroll the town center without dragging a reluctant companion or child with you.

One of the sadist days in Sorrento was hearing a couple just off the cruise line for the day.
The husband loudly insisted, pick ONE thing you want to see.......implying that that was         enough    and back to the boat.    One look at the woman's face was enough for me to pledge to always go solo.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Solo Travel: Have You Found A Travel Agent to Work With?

I choose to travel solo and unless a solo traveler is wealthy I expect we all have budgets. 

Each trip has a price and a trip has ‘value’ when it is a reasonable cost per day….no matter if it is a resort or a tour or if the cost of transportation, room, food total an amount that I find has a value.

Road trips are manageable n the USA, some city trips can remain within a budget but long distance, long term travel takes skill and planning.  Cruises (and I dislike the connotation of the term) offer some of the best Values in travel.
Ship travel has proved to be reasonable IF you sail off season, IF you take the cabin at the bottom of the boat and often you may go to locations you are not really interest in.

I know there are room mate matching services but I do not CHOOSE to spend $5,000 or more for a trip and sleep with a stranger.   Get real.

Now I am on my third ‘travel agent’  This year I was told to “search for a cruise myself on their web site”.   So I have searched for days and priced over 250 sailings to find something that offers a VALUE for a country I want to visit.

I prefer to travel often and long and therefore must remain within a budget.  But if I find an exciting location I will go over budget knowing I shall sacrifice another trip later in the year. 
So the search for this trip has taken weeks of entire days on the computer. 

Yes travel agents have programs that can search everything, but their goal is to find, sell, and go to the next one.  Having been in commission sales I understand the need to ‘turn’ clients. So no agent has been willing to do the searches I need.  Last year I was told they had to get off the phone I was asking too many questions.    Apparently they have a quota system.

But what they do not realize is the business they are losing from not doing a GREAT job.  As part of a very LARGE solo travel group, there are thousands of travelers who would travel if they could find a travel agent.

So, where to go in May?  Russia, trans Atlantic, Oz?   So many choices, so little travel assistance……  I know it will be a LONG trip and it will be EXCITING and I shall write about all the events, policies and difficulties a solo mature traveler may find.