Sunday, August 11, 2013

Solo travel circ 2000!


Stories about solo travel have been published for years.  I just saw the following from 2000 in Time magazine.   Only part of the story is available but writers were talking about solo travel over 12 years ago.


Travel: Going Solo

The yearning to see faraway places and the fear of visiting them alone seem to be universal human traits. Whenever travel writer Arthur Frommer gives a lecture and opens the floor to questions, a woman inevitably raises her hand and asks whether a female can safely travel by herself. "I always notice that all the men are leaning forward to catch the answer too," says Frommer. His verdict, for all concerned: an emphatic Yes!

Once fear is conquered, many older adults find they actually prefer traveling solo. Mature Americans, 55 and older, stay away from home the longest, according to...  Read more:,9171,998332,00.html#ixzz2bgIi8DZN

Now there are hundreds of articles each month sharing solo adventures, men and women traveling to countries that are often remote and possible considered dangerous by the average traveler.      All solo travelers approach the travel experience differently.

Most writers think solo travel is only for gap years, for 20 somtthings or  for those who don't want a REAL job.   

Fewer articles are written about solo travelers who don't fit these categories.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Food Trucks part 2: Solo Travelers meet more vendors

Food in a Hurry does not have to be tasteless, precooked and dry.   FIAH is here.
While researching Food Trucks as the perfect alternative to a restaurant for Solo Travelers, I met Georgia Brown.

A friendly, enthusiastic vendor who was willing to share her story with this blogger.

I learned I could find great comfort food as well as healthy choices that are packed with flavor.
I am planning my next visit for Mac and Three Cheeses!

                          Meet Georgia Brown and her story on how this          food truck originated.

 On the FIAH FB page they list some other treats that will go on my list:
Jamaican patties
Macaroni Hot Dogs


Just down the row from FIAHI met Jason Powell
 and my diet went out the window

From a candy background, Jason's sister Chay, brought the taste of New Orleans sweets to Atlanta with Chayj’s

Using her fathers recipes, Chay creates top selling pretzels covered with praline, classic pralines, popcorn/praline and other sweet treats.   

My policy is, if you don’t buy it you cant eat it and gain weight.   But how can I tell you about Chay J’s pretzels without having tried them?

The bag of pretzels covered in praline coating, almost did not make it all the way home!    Now I will return to try the popcorn and perhaps another bag of pretzels, all as part of the story of course.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fall cruise to New England Affordable

Itinerary Map  The  Solo Travelers Club by Online Vacation Center found a trip RT from NYC to Halifax and St John!
Solo Prices starting at $718 inside *

Solo Travelers Club by Online Vacation Center 
  "Experience the warm colors of fall on a Canada/New England Cruise. Roundtrip New York City on Carnival Glory. Make your way through Boston, Portland, Saint John and Halifax. 7 nights from $718 (taxes not included, price subject to change, terms and conditions apply). * "

  Linda Carella   Solo Specialist
Today 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Phone
(800) 787-1871 Website